It is.
And those who complain about being run out of Dracula's Castle for being caught with their hand in the cookie jar, haven't worked out which side Dracula is on yet.
Incidentally the pyramid in the Divine Plan of Ages points to a Draconis.
original reddit post (removed).
It is.
And those who complain about being run out of Dracula's Castle for being caught with their hand in the cookie jar, haven't worked out which side Dracula is on yet.
Incidentally the pyramid in the Divine Plan of Ages points to a Draconis.
original reddit post (removed).
They are like vampires. Top tip, never invite them to step into your house. A lesson sometimes learnt the hard way.
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I agree Vintage. I was told that one of the worst kept secrets is that many of the elders are alcoholics not Christians.
Also when you see through Watchtower's whitewash/veneer of Christianity, the moral person would never try to return. You can't.
original reddit post (removed).
What he believes is way off. You get kicked out for suggesting child abuse is being covered up. Or telling the elders they are behaving in an unchristian manner and being cruel. Or saying WT's 1914 doctrine is wrong.
You only get disfellowshipped for wrong doing if it is affecting the status quo. If you want to stay in you just say the right words to the elders.
in the newest governing body update loesche recounts the experience of a jw who was pleased with the results of resuming in-person ministry.
he said, 'i thought people would be scared of the virus, but they were welcoming!
' - 🤣 um maybe he doesn't get out much because kingdom halls are one of the few places left except hospitals that require masks.
Keep your fingers crossed for pandemic monkey pox (the symptomless version of course, which is even more contagious than contagion itself).
in the newest governing body update loesche recounts the experience of a jw who was pleased with the results of resuming in-person ministry.
he said, 'i thought people would be scared of the virus, but they were welcoming!
' - 🤣 um maybe he doesn't get out much because kingdom halls are one of the few places left except hospitals that require masks.
A nurse told me that one of the first thing they learnt as nurses is that viruses spread in warm damp environments. A mask causes a warm damp environment right in front of your nose and mouth. It is really bad practice to wear them.
Your lungs are excretory organs what you breath away from you, should go away from you.
The reason why a surgeon wears a mask is not to stop him getting an infection (you'd need a much more substantial face mask for that) but to stop anything from a cough or sneeze from the surgeon going into the open wound he is working on.
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Grooming the young to become sex workers - the issue in UK has been avoided due to race issues but it looks like things are changing.
Anyone supporting the 'mother of harlots' could be at the point of finding themselves on the wrong side of history.
TELFORD: Pakistani Grooming Gangs: Institutions Again Put Racial Tensions Ahead of Child Protection - YouTube
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Vintage - he is talking about cult thinking. He opens up talking about communities being cults and getting in too deep with a 'community'.
Interesting he does not use the word 'society'.
He says cults (ie communities) are on a spectrum. You can have a 10 out of 10 for Jonestown and 4 out of 10 for a fitness guru.
So from what he is saying, all communities are cults but they can all be rated. So to my mind, he is suggesting searching out a 1 out of 10 cult.
Then he starts talking about the cult of personality and asks where Lloyd Evans sits on that scale. So, he has shifted away from 'community' (ie a collection of people) to the individual who takes the lead. Then he asks if you might still be in a bit of a cult.
THEN he goes onto cult thinking and quotes Salman Rushdie who I assume was speaking in relation to Islam. Then he talks about sacred words. I am guessing he means trigger words or something like Neuro Linguistic Programing. He also says about rituals and icons in his videos and says he might even start using them himself. Is he joking or not joking? He's got a couple of candles things behind him.
By using these sacred words (he says) religions make themselves mysterious and you get hooked.
A cult is hard to leave.
WT is hard to leave but exjw found Lloyd Evan's channel.
He says he really likes the Amanda Montel Theory - don't leave cults. You don't leave a cult you might be in, in fact you should be joining many cults.
He says this around the 3:30 mark.
Vintage he is not joking. He's saying all 'communities' (from book club to religion) are cults. He says to leave when a community does not acts fittingly of your cult move onto the next.
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He speaks well and makes some excellent points. But I disagree with him when he suggest joining multiple cults.
hello, i'm new here and have woken up to the real truth concerning the org.
i'm sort of fading away at the moment.... i need help with something, i used to as a child celebrate christmas and have always had amazing memories of it (my husband hasn't as he was born into the org) but i gave it up when i learnt the "truth".
my interest was only in pleasing god and still is.
Birthdays - Jehovah made a massive thing of Noah's birthday. I mean MASSIVE. The exact day isn't mentioned but the turn point of Noah's age is important.
(Genesis 7:6) . . .And Noah was six hundred years old when the deluge of waters occurred on the earth. . .
(Genesis 7:11) . . .In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, on the seventeenth day of the month, on this day all the springs of the vast watery deep were broken open and the floodgates of the heavens were opened.
(Genesis 8:13) . . .Now in the six hundred and first year, in the first month, on the first day of the month, it came about that the waters had drained from off the earth; . . .
If to Our Father, even the very hairs of our head are all numbered, surely all the days of our life are carefully counted too. (Matthew 10:29-30)
On the matter of Christmas being different to birthdays, Christmas counts nothing. No one says 'oh on this day Jesus turned 2022'.